Books I Read
01 May 2015This is a list of books I’ve recently read or I am still reading. The “problem” I’m having is that I start reading more books at once instead of one by one, since I perform very badly in multitasking, but if something interests me I start it immediately.
- Professional PHP Design Patterns - Aaron Saray
- Build APIs You Won’t Hate - Phil Sturgeon
- Practical Design Patterns in PHP - Brandon Savage
- The Book for Symfony 2.5
- Scaling PHP Applications - Steve Corona
- Securing PHP Web Applications - Tricia Ballad & William Ballad
- MongoDB The Definitive Guide - Kristina Chodorow & Michael Dirolf
- MySQL High Availability - Charles Bell, Mats Kindahl & Lars Thalmann
- The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
- Team Geek A Software Developer’s Guide to Working Well with Others
- Freedom From The Know – Krishnamurti
- A Tree in A Forest – A Collection of Ajahn Chan’s Similes